What is the best diet?

There are lots of opinions in the world of “Health and Fitness”.  Even I have gotten confused in my journey of the last 20 years, but with experience comes better judgement!

I like to experiment and track results (everything is an experiment)!  Over the years I have experimented with specific diets:

Keto (high Fat, low carb)

Carnivore (Meat only)

Vegatarian (No animal flesh)

Low Carb (moderate fat, <50 carbs)

Typical Body Building (high protein, high carb, low fat)


Each has its merits and its criticisms.  Each can be effective and customized to fit within your goals and lifestyle.

I view each a “tool”, and not a one size fits all solution.

The approach YOU should take, is the one that is aligned with your specific goals and circumstances!

The below pictures give a real life example of what I’m saying…

The two pics below are from two separate contest preps (6 months apart).

One contest prep I ate “High Protein KETO (Low-carb)”.  The other I ate “High Protein, Moderate carb, Moderate Fat”…

Can you tell the difference in the results?

In both contests I got super lean.  Does it really matter what diet was followed, if it got results?!

What’s my point?

Keto can work!

Eating carbs can work!

Carnivore can work!

Low carb can work!

Vegetarian can work!

“Experts” or “gurus” who say otherwise are people you should be warry of!

I don’t claim to have accolades like a phd in nutrition; however, I do have plenty of experience with myself and many others over the years.

With that experience I have narrowed down what I believe to be the most important factors in every “diet”…

If you focus on these main points, you WILL have improved health and better results! (but only if you are persistent in following them!)

1) Eat Real, Whole Food

“If God made it, eat it!  If Man made it, think twice!”

We are talking real food here.  Meat, eggs, veggies, fruit, potatoes, rice, etc.

The amount you eat depends on your size, metabolism, training, lifestyle, and so on.  The type of food you should eat does not change!

2) Eat Higher amounts of Protein

I can’t say this enough…Eat more protein!

Protein is a collection of “Amino Acids”.  Amino Acids are the building blocks of your body!

Protein is important for nearly every major bodily function.  Amino Acids are the building blocks of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.  They are essential for tissue repair and hormone production.

I’ve seen people hit weight loss stalls, and upon taking advice to increase protein, begin to lose weight gain (even though calories increased from adding protein).

If you focus on nothing else, be sure to get adequate protein.  Try to make it a center piece to every meal!

This is something I’ve done for 20 years, and it has never let me down.  I have control over my hunger, and control of how I look and feel because of it (and so can you)!

3) Eliminate Sugar

Ditch Soda, Juice, Sweet Tea, Gatorade, Candy, Glucerna (nutritional shakes), breakfast cereal, table sugar, syrups, etc.

These should not be in your everyday diet.  Most people I’ve talked to that are Pre-diabetic or fully Diabetic have some mix of these in their everyday diet!

Don’t justify these…Just throw them out of your diet!

4) Eliminate Processed Oils

Do NOT use:

vegetable oil, canola oil, crisco, margarine, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil

These oils are a modern invention of man.  Modern manufacturing processes made these items available in the 20 century (prior to this they had no place in the human diet).

If you need oil to cook with, use:

cocunut oil, butter, avocado oil, or a quality extra virgin olive oil.  Even animal fats are ok (lard, tallow, etc.)

The above are more natural fats that have been consumed by humans for thousands of years.

5) Learn To Keep Track of Calories

Calories still matter no matter what “diet” you decide to follow.

“You mean calories still matter on KETO?”


You can overconsume fat on KETO!  In fact most people on keto would benefit from increasing protein and lowering fat content! (but that’s a subject for another post)

If you eat more carbs, you need to bring down your fat to compensate.

If you eat lots of fat, you need to keep your carbs low.

Either way you go, calorie intake must be less than what you burn to lose bodyfat.

Every person is different regarding calorie intake, as there are many factors to consider.

Evaluate how your body is changing each week.  If the scale isn’t moving, evaluate your diet (or get help from someone knowledgeable and a proven track record that can help)

Take Away:

You can be successful following different approaches.  Create a plan that you can stick with.

Follow the 5 main factors highlighted above!  Follow them FOREVER, and watch how your health improves!

You will not be perfect in the beginning.  You don’t have to be!  Just keep moving forward!


God bless and GO STRONG!


If you are in need of a step by step plan to transform your body and physical health in 2020, be sure to grab our “2020 Body Transformation”!


Also be sure to get your FREE copy of “Your Fat Loss Forever Guide”.  We know it will help you gain control over you health!



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